October 18, 2012

Homework 10/18

DUE: October 24, 2012

Goal:  Write a goal that supports your learning this week.

Goal Evaluation:  Write a sentence or two explaining how you did on your goal.

When the first vowel sound in the first syllable is long, divide the word after the vowel.  If the vowel is short, divide the word after the consonant.

Ex.     pi-lot       fin-ish
finish       pilot      even
wagon    music    silent
rapid      female   lemon

resident     spinach    climate
tradition     innocent

Write your words in the border.  Please divide each word into syllables.

We have been building ARRAYS as part of our Number Corner calendar routine.  

This is an example of a 2 x 3 array:

Please draw a 4 x 5 array.  Label each side.

What is the PERIMETER and the AREA of the array?

Good readers can look at 2 books and COMPARE and CONTRAST them.   This week we read Oliver Button is a Sissy and Amazing Grace.  Both books have things in common while they tell different stories.

Make a chart showing what items are the same about the books and what things are different.


Good writers are able to look at a piece of writing and EDIT it to fix any mistakes they see. 

On the back of this paper is a paragraph with many mistakes.  Please CUT out the paragraph and paste it in your journal.  Please fix any mistakes that you see.

There are 10 mistakes.

People have been flying kites for over two thowsand years  people fly kites at beaches and parks  Some places hold yearly festivals for just kites  In both china and japan, special holidays include kite-flying as part of the celebration  you can easily make your own kite with sticks, papper, tape and string

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