October 25, 2012

Homework 10/25

Due:  October 31, 2012

Goal:  Write a goal that supports your learning this week.

Goal Evaluation:  Write a sentence or two explaining how you did on your goal.


This week, we had a wonderful trip to the Portland Art Museum.

Pick one item at the museum that was your favorite or the one that you think it is important to remember.   Tell about that object and give plenty of details Your goal is for someone to picture what the object looks like
We have been talking about “Great Beginnings” in our writing.  A great beginning captures our reader’s attention, and makes them want to read more.  Choose 2 of our Great Beginning strategies, and write 2 different beginnings to the same story.
1. Snapshot of a small moment
2. Sound Effect
3. Dialogue
4. Ask a Question
5.  Action Lead

Step 1 – Draw the Base 10 picture for the number 26.

Step 2 – Draw the Base 10 picture for the number 68.

If you combine the 2 pictures....how much do you have all together.

   The final syllable /el/ is spelled –le.

handle          table
trouble          little
sample         gentle
people          poodle
middle          pickle


Write your words in the border.  Give your parent a spelling test with these words. 

Tell me how they did!.


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