March 05, 2013

Credit, where credit is due

In the spirit of full disclosure.......

This fraction activitites I have been doing with the class are not mine.

Our PPS math adoption has a fraction unit which I use, but last year, I found there were some areas that the kids still struggled in even after finishing the unit.

This year I went searching for some ideas to help our kids really understand what a fraction deepen their understanding.....I found this blog of another teacher who shares what she does with her class.  Her activities really inspired me to try some new things with the kids.  I felt like the way she was introducing fractions would really help the kids CREATE understanding....and then, our regular fraction unit would be more beneficial to far.....I am excited about how it is working!

This is the blog that I borrowed (literally....borrowed her activities, I made very little changes....if at all)....she tried them on her class....and then so did I!!!!! I was inspired by what she was doing, and want to make sure she got the full credit!!!!

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