September 23, 2013

Newsletter - 9/23/13


Please send back any forms from the opening day packet that need to come back to school, especially, the registration form. 

If you have not been receiving emails from me, please update your email address.  That is the main way I communicate with families.

Have I told you your kids are terrific?  Well, they are!

Dates to Remember

Curriculum Night                 September 26
No School                     October 11

Thursday night is Curriculum Night.  This is your opportunity to come into the class and see what we have been doing.  Your child will be your our guide.  They will lead you around the class showing you some of the things that we are working on.  I can’t wait to see all of you. 

Please meet in the auditorium at 6:00 for an all school meeting with our new principal, Seth Jones.


We are still reviewing time and money.  I can see real progress there!

We are also working on larger numbers and what exactly a 2-digit number means.  For example, 42 can be 42 ones, but it is also 4 tens and 2 ones.

This kind of learning lays the groundwork for when we do larger addition and subtraction.

Also, word problems are in the works


This week, we are going to start working on SCAR stories.  We love to tell stories about our own lives.  Our first story is going to be about a time when we got hurt.  Just in time for Halloween!

We have also started looking at “Mentor Sentences.”  These are great sentences that we come across in our reading that can teach us how to write great sentences.  Ask you child what we have worked on so far.


This past week, we spent time doing district assessments.  This allows me to gauge the reading level of each student.  This week, we will be finishing up these assessments, and beginning our reading groups.

Your children are still learning how to pick just right books, and are settling in to reading for a longer period of time.  We call this stamina.  I tell the students, I can go out and run a marathon in one day.  It is the same with reading longer books.  

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