October 06, 2013

2nd Grade Rocks!

We have started our investigation into Rocks this week.  We have a rock kit that allows students to examine and study 12 different types of rocks.  We took our magnifying glasses to really see what was different about these rocks.

Then we sorted the rocks by their properties.  We discussed how the rocks feel into categories like smooth, bumpy, shiny, rough, etc.

We discussed how rocks are made up of lots of different ingredients, soil, sand, other rock, minerals, bones, animals, shells, etc.  We decided to make our own rocks.

We added gravel, and sand.

We added "minerals."

We even put some feathers in there.  Added some glue and mixed it together.

Now, we are letting our rocks dry to see what they look like!  Next week, we will talk about the 3 different kinds of rocks, and how they are made.


That kid said...

Hey mrs Mauldin it’s Zander, wassup

That kid said...
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