April 26, 2012

Homework 4/26

Goal:  Write a goal that supports your learning this week.

Goal Evaluation:  Write a sentence or two explaining how you did on your goal.

We have started learning about larger multiplication.  Ask your child to draw use the array model (drawing their tens and ones) to solve this problem.

                                        x   3   

Spelling:  (words come home Thursday)
Often words have the ending, tion, sion, and ture.
Figure out the fraction of your spelling words.  Remember the WHOLE!

The word finger has six letters. Two of those letters, or 2/6 of the letters, are vowels, and four of the letters, or 4/6, are consonants.

action              question         direction         vacation        creature
furniture        division           culture            mansion       collision

fascination        declaration          manufacture       possession      legislature

Reading and Writing

We are using the Mysteries of Harris Burdick to inspire our imaginative writing.  This week, we talked about imaginative writing.  How a writer must create characters, settings, problems….and entire other reality.

This week, we worked on developing a character.  Your child has worked on their character traits and what kinds of things their character likes to do, words to describe their character.  They have also illustrated what their character looks like.

This week, your child needs to write a letter to me pretending to be that character.  They need to put themselves in their character’s shoes and think about what they do during the day, what adventures they may have had….what they would think is important to put into a letter to me.

Students created a character map on the back of their homework sheet to keep track of all the details of their character.

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