May 15, 2012

Guest Blogger - S.S.

We are starting a new unit on is the one thing missing from our Portland Map.  Also, we want to make sure we know a lot about bridges and how they are constructed by the time we go on our field trip.  Today was our first class activity around the subject....and don't let me tell you about.....let our guest blogger tell you....

Today for Unit Investigation, we made bridges with 2 cups, and a piece of tin foil.  What we had to do was we tried to make a bridge stable enough to hold 5 pennies.  It also had to have the longest space in between.  We discovered that it helps to make the tin foil thicker so it is more stable.

We also tried it with paper to see if that worked any better.  We found that the bridge is more stable when the supports are closer together.  Also, it helps to fold your paper.

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