October 15, 2012

A Thinker's Response

We just read the book "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say.

This is a quote from the author.  Think about what he is saying about books.  What do you think.  In the comments, tell me if reading books changes you and how it does so.

A good story should alter you in some way; it should change your thinking, your feeling, your psyche, or the way you look at things. A story is an abstract experience; it's rather like venturing through a maze. When you come out of it, you should feel slightly changed.


Anonymous said...

dear mrs.m

When I read the book the qeaping quilt it kind of saved me . that book was interesting.

sincery, your best friend gabriel

Tom said...

Mrs. M,

This quote reminds me of the book "Harry and the Terrible Whatzit." I read it again a few weeks ago with the class. That book changed my life because I was always scared of the basement when I was little, but the book helped me overcome my fear.


cailin said...

Dear Mrs M,

It made me feel like i could do anything.

love cailin

Anonymous said...

Dear mrs m,

I have a text to self because my family
traveld back and forth lots of times when i lived in indonesia because we went to bali alot.


Anonymous said...

dear mrs . m
the book just plain fancy got me thinking about
different lives

from caden

Liem said...

Dear Mrs. M,

After we read grandfathers journey I felt good inside.


Anonymous said...

dear mrs . m
the book just plain fancy got me thinking about
different lives

from caden

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.M,

When we read Harry and the terrible whatzit I remembered what it's like to be afraid of something.


sophie said...

Dear Mrs.Mauldin,

The first time I read the book Kanani it made me think of the blue seas, and it changed my mind so much it felt like I was in Hawaii.I learned a lot about Hawian monk seals.


sebastian said...

Dear mrs. mauldin

I like the books you read to us it makes me thank of text to self

Anonymous said...

dear mrs. m

the first time I read a book I felt like life was a book. And I was the telling it anyone anywhere was in the book. And I like to call it life.


syd said...

Dear mrs.m,
the book reminds me of the
keeping quilt
love, syd c

Owen said...

Dear Mrs. M.

When I read harry and the terrible whatzit , remember
being scared.


Anonymous said...


Did you know a book saved my life! it made me happy.But then it failed and now my friends are not friends.


emily said...

Dear Mrs. Mauldin,
I think grandfather's Journey reminds of the keeping
quilt because somebody has a child and they grow up

from the desk of


Natalie said...

dear mrs.mauldin

i once read a book and it inspired me to think more about science and math!

Klara said...

Dear Mrs. mauldin,
I really think that it changes me to
Like the book On The Banks Of Plum Creek made me

want to be a pioneer.



Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.M,
when I read ''Ellie McDoodle'' it made me remember when I moved from Nashville to here. I missed my old friends and made new friends. I still miss my old friends, but I am having fun with my new friends!


nate said...

Dear mrs.M

When we read grandfathers journey I really liked it.

sinsearly nate

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Mauldin,

I think that quote is very true, because when I read adventure stories, I sometimes learn some new tricks for running away, for example in, From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwiler they run away right before school, so my mom would think I'm at school and the school would think I'm absent or sick!
Your Friend,