October 01, 2012

Home Connections

As part of our math curriculum, there are activities that are designed to be taught in class, then sent home for review.  These are games that we have done in class, so your child should be very familiar with them.

In our class, I have Home Connection folders.  Instead of one activity going home with all students, individual kids bring home a folder with the activity and all materials inside.  Families can take out the materials they need and keep them to play as often as you would like.

Students bring the folder back to school the next day, and it can go home with the next student.  We have anywhere from 4 to 6 folders in rotation.  Your child should bring home one every 8-10 days.

Occasionally, the activity will have a worksheet that needs to be returned to school.  Your child can turn it in when you finish the activity.  Return it in your child's folder.

If you have questions about Home Connections, let me know.

1 comment:

Garmi said...

This is a nice idea!