September 10, 2013

Newsletter - 9/10/13

News From Room 35


Blue folders were sent home last week with very important information in them, please read, sign and return any paperwork. 

All of our specials start this week.  Our PE days have been changed to Mondays and Thursdays.

We will also add in our Music classes (thanks to parent, Monica Sanders).  We are working out the schedule and I will let you know when that is finalized.

Dates to Remember

Late Opening                       September 18
Curriculum Night                 September 26

For the month of September, I will send home a paper newsletter to all families and I will post the same newsletter on the blog.  Starting in October, I will only post the newsletter on the blog.  If you prefer receiving a paper copy, let me know.  I will only send paper copies home to families who request it.


The month of September will be spent working on telling time, reviewing money and reviewing addition and subtraction ideas.

I will also assess each student to see where they are in their math skills.


The Writing Curriculum is getting off to a great start.

We are working on how writers get ideas for writing.  This year, your child will learn how to use the writing process to take a paper from Rough Draft to Publishing. 


Mrs. Mauldin's Reading Curriculum allows students to become active participants in their reading experiences.

Right now we are building the foundations of the program.   How to choose books, and how to record in our reading journal.

Starting today, orange Take Home folders will come home each night.  Please look at the plastic inserts for homework expectations. The papers stay in the plastic inserts.   I will send home spelling words on Thursday.

Look on the back for more about homework.

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