September 06, 2014

Week One - 9/6/14

School has officially begun!  The students and I spent the last 4 days establishing our classroom community and routines.  It was wonderful to see all the returning 3rd Graders and see how much "older" they are after the summer.  I also loved meeting all the new 2nd graders and their families.  It is going to be a great year!  Here are some of the things we were up to this week.

We decorated our book boxes to hold the books we will read this year.  We also learned about our "Special Spots."  These are special places in the room where we can enjoy reading.  Our special spots change every day giving every student a chance to sit at the table, pillow or special chair.

We also learned more about our Spelling Stations.  The 3rd Graders (the elders) are showing the 2nd Graders (the youngers) how each station works.  We are using a list of general school words to practice each of the stations.  We are also in the process of taking a sight word assessment to see what words the students already know.  This will help the students build their customized spelling list in the next few weeks.

This week we talked about mindful listening.  Did you know that your brain and your ears work together to listen?  We practiced being expert listeners....we even went outside and recorded what we could hear just outside our classroom.  It was amazing all the sounds of the school you can hear when you really stop and focus on the sounds around you.

 We also did our first art session of the year.  I love to teach art, and we try to weave it into all our subject areas.  This week, we learned about the artist Andy Warhol.  He took everyday objects or self portraits and changed them by using unusual colors and by repeating an image.  We took our self portrait and repeated the picture and used unusual colors for each one.

We also had our first birthday of the school year.  On the student's birthday, the student place beads on a necklace.  As they string their bead, the give the birthday person a personal wish.  They are very sweet.  The wishes range from "Have a great day" to "I hope you get lots of presents."  Any summer birthdays will get their half birthday celebrated.  Everyone gets a turn to celebrate their special day.

This is going to be a great year!

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