October 21, 2014

Week 7

This week was really filled with two exciting events!  First, we had a visit from the Oregon Zoo.  They came to talk with us about animals that we might find in our Portland area.  This was our guide from the Oregon Zoo.

She laid down a large sheet to catch any 'drippings' from the animals.

 We could not wait to see what she brought!

First, she brought out Sundance, the red-tailed hawk.  These are very common in our area.  We learned about the types of food he eats, how he catches prey, and where they live.

Here is a foot from a red-tailed hawk.  You can see how long the talons are.  They use them like forks to hold down their food while their sharp beak picks apart the meal.

Next up, Darwin, the Norway rat.  He actually was a pet rat before he came to live at the zoo.  He also came with a friend, but his friend was to shy to come out.

We got to pet Darwin.

Now, this cutie is a saw whet owl.  She is just tiny!!!!  She came to the zoo because someone found her injured.  They think she may have gotten attacked by a cat.  She now has one wing that doesn't quite work right, so she would never survive in the wild.  Her name is Pip and she was SUPER CUTE.

The whole visit was very entertaining and really wonderful to see these beautiful animals up close.

The very next day, we took our first field trip to the Oregon Historical Society.  This was to help us learn even more about the history of the Portland Area.  We started the field trip by riding Tri-Met.  The class was almost as excited about the bus, as they were about the museum!

Waiting patiently for our bus to arrive.

Riding Tri-Met is an adventure!

Once we got to the museum, we were split into groups.

We learned about the pioneers that came from the East to the Oregon Territory.

We got to see and touch some of the things they would have brought with them.

Here is a display of old signs that you would see around Portland through the years.

The seal and all the state items.....State Animal, State Flower, State Rock, etc..

It was a beautiful day, so we ate our lunches outside in the plaza.  Afterwards, we walked in the Park Blocks and learned about the history of the statues and fountains you can find there.

Look at these shining faces!

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