September 19, 2013

Spelling Coming Home TONIGHT!

Spelling Lists are coming home tonight.

Our spelling week runs from Thursday to Wednesday.  Students get their new words on Thursday, and take the test the next Wednesday.  This gives them a full 7 days to study! 

Today, your student took a pre-test to see what words they can already spell.  Based on that pre-test, they created a custom list of 8 spelling words that fit a spelling pattern that they need to learn.  They also choose 5 High-Frequency Words for their spelling list based on their own personal High Frequency Word list.

All week, we will learn the “rules” associated with the new pattern and will take part in activities throughout the week to gain more exposure to the pattern.

The next Wednesday, students will take their spelling test. 

Please note:  your child’s spelling list is custom to them. 
The words on that list are words that your child does not
know how to spell and are at their spelling level.  

I will not post any spelling words on the blog or by email,
since each child has a different list.

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