September 06, 2012

First Day of School

We had a wonderful first day of school.  The kids all came in so eager and ready to learn.  I can tell we have a group of readers, which warms this teacher’s heart.  Tom and I started off the day by telling some things about ourselves that were true, and also some things that were false.  The kids had to guess which was which.  They found it pretty funny.  Did you know that Tom does not like fish, and Mrs. Mauldin is afraid of roller coasters?  True!

Here we are doing a word find of our classmates’ names.

We also answered five major questions about what we want our classroom to be like.  This will help us develop our class pledge.

Our first Reading Workshop was great!  The kids got cozy with books, and got lost in their books.

We worked on an art project for our hallway.  It was a good way to work with a partner.

1 comment:

Garmi said...

We loved looking at your classroom. We have lots of questions to ask you.
What time do you finish school?
Do you like having group tables instead of your own desks?
When do you have morning tea?
How old are children in the 3rd grade?