November 29, 2012

Peer Editing

In Writing Workshop, we are working hard on writing our stories and preparing them for publishing.  We collect all of our final drafts to publish at the end of the year in a hardcover book that we make ourselves.

Our kids have great imaginations and their writing reflects that.  I enjoy reading what they are coming up with!  To make our writing even better, we are focusing on conventions. 

Conventions in writing are the technical part of writing - making our writing readable to others by having correct spelling and grammar.  Our kids know the conventions of good writing, but we need practice to make sure we use them all the time.

We have started Peer Editing our writing.  Students are work together to read each other’s stories, give compliments and provide suggestions to make the writing even better.  We also help each proofread our stories with a focused eye on good conventions.

This helps all the kids become aware that someone else is going to read their story and as authors it is our job to make that story easy to read.

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