September 03, 2015

First Week

We spent so much of the week getting to know each other.  We learned about each other and how our classroom works.  It was so great to see the 3rd Graders open up and take the lead with the 2nd Graders.  It was also amazing to see the 2nd Graders rise to the challenges set by the older kids.

We learned how spelling will work in our classroom this year.  Here the students are learning how to sort their word cards.  This will help them learn patterns in words as the year goes on.  Kids will be tested and put into spelling groups based on their level of spelling.

We learned about each other and our learning styles by taking a class survey.  The kids answered questions about what they like in school and how they learn.  Many kids were surprised to discover that other kids think the same way they do!

We are also reviewing parts of speech.  We reminded ourselves about nouns and we went on a noun hunt looking for nouns in the books we are reading.

A great first week!

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