September 16, 2015

Week #2

I can't wait to share the things we have been doing in class!  We have been focusing on writing and reading Personal Narratives.  We discussed how authors choose stories from their own lives to write stories.  We are in the process of writing our own Personal Narratives

We are reading books by Patrica Polacco, who uses her own family and history to write stories.  We are also looking at how she uses characters of different ages to teach life lessons.  We call this Words of the Wiser."

                                          Image result for patricia polacco      Image result for patricia polacco thunder cake  Image result for patricia polacco thank you mr falker

We also have moved on to learn more about verbs.  We are learning about past and present tense verbs and how they can make a sentences more exciting!

 We enjoyed  some fun gerbil time.  Tot, the white gerbil, ran around our classroom in her exercise ball.  The kids loved getting a closer look at her!

Our art project last week was inspired by the painting Starry Nights.  we discussed how artists use short and long brush strokes to show different kinds of movement.  We also talked about how Starry Nights is the "impression" of what the artist thinks stars look like and are not realistic portrayals.  

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