March 15, 2012

Shameless Plug

I really want to give a huge shout out to the Oregon Historical Society. Our field trip yesterday was basically free. We had to pay for the bus ride down there, but the admission to the historical society was free. I worked very closely with the historical society last year on a project, and I fully support what they are trying to do for our city.

Through a Multnomah County levy, the Oregon Historical Society is able to keep both its museum and library open, and provide free admission for school groups and any Multnomah County resident. It is really such a gift from the tax payers.

This Saturday, March 17th from 11:00am - 3:00pm. the Society is celebrating the birthday of Packy, the elephant from the Oregon Zoo. There will be animal guests from the Zoo, and you will get to do elephant arts and crafts. Also, your can see zoo photos and artifacts, learn about elephant care......tons of fun things. Great activity to do on a rainy Saturday afternoon!

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